Paul Keres Memorial Festival

Tallinn, 06. - 13.01. 2007

Home GM group A GM group B WGM group Games & LIVE Photos Regulations
LIVE-transmission in flash will be on 5 electronic boards.

Estonian time 06 : 44, 27.07.   

If rounds dont start in at least 10 minutes,
then close your games window and reopen it.

All five games in one window
Four first games in one window
One game in one large window
Saved games with PGN-viewer


1) If you browser doesn't support flash, please install

Macromedia Flash

2) You can play through LIVE these games with mouse, clicking on arrows or moves or using keyboard arrows. Click on "LIVE" to switching off board automatically moves to ending position if new move has uploaded.

3) In bottom left corner of flash window there is a number of PGN-file. If you click on it, you can choose another game.